In this article
Hey there, I’m Ben, a sales engineer and former software engineer. I spend my days living and breathing Jellyfish. I dive deep into the product to help engineering leaders better understand how Jellyfish can benefit their organizations and I’m excited to share some of those learnings here with you. First up, we’re walking through one of the most powerful features of the Jellyfish’s Engineering Management Platform and a customer favorite – Deliverables.
Deliverables within Jellyfish are based on our proprietary allocation model used to calculate effort. We look at how every engineer is working on every single piece of work throughout your organization. We also provide a projection as to when this work will be completed based on effort and remaining work.
Let’s dive in
Software Delivery Management
Software Delivery Management
Software Delivery Management or “Deliverables” within Jellyfish’s Engineering Management Platform allows you to see how your team members’ time is spent, how effectively they’re working, and how that work compares across your organization and the industry as a whole.
Using data – not anecdotes – engineering leaders can facilitate trade-off conversations to ensure your organization remains on track and is able to keep its commitments. If something is at risk, Jellyfish’s Scenario Planner helps you plan how to shift work to focus on top level priorities.
Here’s a more detailed view:

In Jellyfish, Deliverables provides a distinct view into your organization’s – you guessed it – deliverables. That could be epics, releases, or initiatives – however your team organizes their work. Jellyfish allows you to view each piece of your team’s work and the progress made towards it along with the target date for completion.
Jellyfish tells you how much effort and attention was spent on that one deliverable during a specific time period as opposed to other competing priorities.
So what’s the value of all of this information? Well, if work is at risk, you can use Jellyfish’s Scenario Planner to get back on track. Scenario Planner allows you to model different timeframes and headcount structures to deliver on schedule. Using this data – not anecdotes – you can facilitate trade-off conversations to deliver on your engineering commitments each and every time.
You can learn more and get started with Software Delivery Management here. Or request a demo for a deeper look.
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Get your engineering organization on track. Learn more about Software Delivery Management from Jellyfish.
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Ben Kinney is a sales engineer at Jellyfish.