Leadership Academy
Jellyfish has partnered with top engineering practitioners to share their best practices, skills, and leadership principles with those who aspire to build and lead world-class engineering teams.

Learn from world class engineering leaders

Fundamentals of
Engineering Leadership
Tacita explores the essential principles of engineering leadership, from fostering trust and building high-performing teams to translating technical work into compelling, strategic narratives.

Organizational Design
Andrew shares his best practices for assessing and optimizing your current organizational design, aligning it with strategic goals, and creating a culture that supports continuous improvement.

Building & Managing
High-Performing Teams
Wes shares his strategies for forming and leading high-performing engineering teams; considering team dynamics, hiring, performance management, managing remote teams, and fostering space for innovation.

Metrics & Performance
Analysis in Engineering
Eli and Luke discuss how they build an effective metrics strategy to select, implement, and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to improve outcomes while maintaining psychological safety within their teams.

Culture, Inclusion & Ethics in Engineering Leadership
Colleen shares her techniques for building culture, inclusion, and ethics into engineering leadership.
Looking to become a better leader?
Enroll in the Jellyfish Engineering Leadership Academy today!