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Jellyfish Subprocessors

Last Updated February 3, 2025

To provide its services, Jellyfish may engage third parties to carry out data-processing activities that involve access to customer data. These organizations called “subprocessors,” are identified below with their locations and the types of services they provide to Jellyfish.

Infrastructure Subprocessors

Jellyfish may use the following Subprocessors to host Customer Data or provide other infrastructure that helps with the delivery of our Services:

Amazon Web ServicesCloud servicesUSA
Atlassian, Inc.Issue tracking and wikiUSA
GitHub, Inc.Source code managementUSA
Google, Inc.Email, documents, cloud storageUSA
Grafana LabsApplication and Infrastructure ObservabilityUSA
MicrosoftAzure Cloud Services and Application AI FunctionalityUSA
Panther LabsSecurity Information and Event ManagementUSA
PendoProduct analyticsUSA
SegmentData integrationUSA
SlackCommunications and MessagingUSA
ZendeskCustomer support management and documentationUSA

Other Subprocessors

Jellyfish may use the following Subprocessors to perform other Service functions:

Amazon Web ServicesPartner Co-SellingUSA
ChampifyCRM EnrichmentUSA
CognismBusiness DevelopmentUSA
Common RoomRevenue IntelligenceUSA
DeetoCustomer Knowledge PlatformUSA
DiscernBusiness AnalyticsUSA
EverAfterCustomer Success Management and ImplementationUSA
GainsightCustomer Support ManagementUSA
GongVideo Call RecordingUSA
MarketoCustomer MarketingUSA
Momentum.ioSales AutomationUSA
OrumBusiness Development AutomationUSA
PostalDirect MailUSA
RevenoidSales Outreach IntelligenceUSA
SalesforceCustomer ManagementUSA
SynclyCustomer Success Ops and Revenue IntelligenceUSA
ZoomInfoBusiness DevelopmentUSA

Email Updates

As we grow and expand our services, we may need to add or remove subprocessors. If you’d like to receive a notification when this list changes, you can subscribe using your business email address below.